University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law & Policy

Submission Guideline

University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law & Policy

University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law and Policy (ISSN 2518-024)  (UAPJLP)

The UAPJLP is fully committed to publishing work based on original research. In drafting contributions, authors should keep in mind that manuscripts focused on legal research will only be considered for publication.

Authors and reviewers are advised to follow the following guidelines while preparing or reviewing the manuscripts.

1. All manuscripts must be within the 5000-7000 words including footnotes. No manuscripts would be considered for publication if it exceeds the suggested word limit.

2. Submissions should be sent directly to the Editor-in-Chief at

3. A 150-word abstract should appear at the beginning of the document.

4. A 40 -word biography about the author (s) should also be included.

5. UAPJLP engages in double-blind peer reviews; authors’ names must be excluded from the text.

6. Manuscripts should be 1.5 spaced with Times New Roman, 12-point type and 1 inch margins, including footnotes.

7. The journal only accepts the footnotes. Endnotes are not accepted. Bibliography or references are not necessary. All footnotes MUST be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style. The authorised Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) can be accessed in this url:

8. Manuscripts submitted to UAPJLP should not have been published previously. Authors found submitting the manuscripts in several journals at a time will be black-listed forever.

9. The articles published in UAPJLP do not represent the views of the editorial board. The Editor is responsible for the final selection of content and reserves the right not to publish work deemed inappropriate for publication.

10. Responsibility for the views expressed in published work lies solely with the individual authors.